Krishnanand Saraswati/ Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Krishnanand Saraswati/  Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

खोजता हूँ प्रभु को जन्मों-जन्मों से

खोजता हूँ प्रभु को जन्मों-जन्मों से

कभी उसकी झलक दिखती है/ कभी दूर किसी तारे के पास उसकी आकृति दिखती है/ कभी उसकी छाया दिखाई पड़ती है/ लेकिन जब तक उस जगह पहुँचता हूँ जहाँ उसकी छाया थी, तब तक वह और दूर जा चुका होता है/ जब तक वहां पहुंचता हूँ जहाँ उसकी झलक दिखी, तब तक वह ना मालूम कहाँ खो चुका होता है/ ऐसे जन्म-जन्म भटक कर मेरी यात्रा पूरी हो गई है, और में उस द्वार पर पहुँच जो प्रभु का धाम है/

मैं उसकी सीढियां चढ़ गया और उसके द्वार की अपने हाथ मे ले ली, और जैसे ही में सांकल बजाने को ही था, तभी मेरे मान मे सवाल उठा कि यदि आज प्रभु मिल गया, तो फिर आगे क्या होगा ? आगे फिर मै क्या करूंगा ? अब तक तो उसी की खोज मे जन्म-जन्म बिताये/ मै व्यस्त था/ मै दोड़ रहा था/ मै कुछ कर रहा था और कुछ पा रहा था/ होने की, becomming की एक लम्बी यात्रा थी, उसमे मै रसलीन था/ मंजिल थी आगे, उसे पाने मे अहंकार को तृप्ति थी/ लेकिन अगर आज प्रभु मिल ही गया, तो कल, फिर कल नहीं होगा/ कोई भविष्य नहीं? कोई आशा नहीं? कोई मंजिल नहीं?

तो मैने वह सांकल आहिस्ता से छोड़ दी,कि कहीं कोई आवाज ना हो जाए/ अपने जूते हाथ मे उठा लिए और दबे पांव सीढियां उतर गया,कहीं कोई आवाज ना हो जाए और कहीं द्वार खुल ही ना जाएँ / और नीचे उतर कर में जोर से भगा उस घर से दूर , और पलट कर भी नहीं देखा, जब तक उस द्वार की झलक दिखाई देनी बंद ना हो गयी/

अब भी मै इश्वर को खोजता हूँ/ अब भी मै गुरुओं से पूछता हूँ कहाँ है उसका मार्ग ? और भली भांति मुझे पहचान है उसके घर की/ लेकिन अब में उसके घर के रास्ते से बच कर ही उसे खोजता हूँ, कि कहीं वह मिल ही ना जाए/ कहीं वह मिल ही ना जाए/

Sunday, July 10, 2011

सत्य या मत

सत्य या मत

जैसे ही सत्य को शब्दों द्वारा प्रकट किया जाता, है वह मत हो जाता है / इसलिए सभी शास्त्र मत हैं, चाहे वह किसी भी धर्म के हों - शास्त्र यानि मतों (opinion) का सग्रह/ कोई भी शास्त्र सत्य का संग्रह नहीं है, ना हो सकता है /

काश दुनिया के सभी धर्मों को मानने वाले यह सत्य समझ जाएँ कि उनका जो शास्त्र ( Religious book) है वह एक मत है सत्य नहीं या केवल एक इशारा मात्र है सत्य की और / तब निश्चित ही धर्म के नाम पर आपसी झगडे बंद हो सकते हैं / क्योंकि हर धर्म और उसका शास्त्र दावा करता है सत्य का - दो सत्य कैसे हो सकते हैं - झगडे खडे हो जाते हैं /
( १. सत्य अनंत है शब्द सीमित होता है /
२. जैसे ही शब्द बोला जाता है , तो सुनने वाले के हाथों मे पहुँच जाता है और हर सुनने वाला अपनी व्याख्या कर लेता है /)

Friday, June 17, 2011

SOS- Awake, Rise and Help to save India and yourself

Awake, rise and help to save India and yourself…….

India’s present biggest problem is corruption and its son/ daughter – Black money and immorality.

Q. What is the cause?
A. Bad governance – absence of enforcement of laws – pseudo morality

Indian wisdom says;
1. Rajan kaalasya kaarnnam
2. Jaisaa Raaja vaisee Praja

Western wisdom says;
1. Power corrupts absolutely
2. And as per theory based on his research and observations of a westerner :

a.15% people are corrupt, immoral and criminals – they can’t be changed
b.15% people are non-corrupt, moral and honest – they can’t be changed
c.70% people are pseudo peoples, opportunists

When Govt. is in the hands of corrupt, immoral & criminals:

15% (a) + 70% (c) i.e. 85% become (a) type

When Govt. is in the hands of non-corrupt, moral and honest

15% (b) + 70% (c) i.e. 85% become (b) type

In India Ram-rajya was the best and ideal

What was the Governance model in Ram-rajya?

Raja (King) governed with the help of his mantri’s and santri’s ( ministers, army and police) and there was ASHT (8) RISHI MANDAL TO KEEP A HAWK EYE ON THE KING AND HIS MANTRI”S AND SANTRI”S

Now you awake, think, decide and participate in the governance of your country and help in bringing Ram-rajya again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Commonest word uttered by everybody…. “LOVE”

Commonest word uttered by everybody…. “LOVE”

There are two types of love.
C.S.Lewis has divided love into these two kinds:
1. Need – Love
2. Gift – love
Abrahm Maslow also divides love into two kinds
1. Deficiency – Love
2. Being – Love
The distinction is significant and has to be understood.

The need-love or deficiency-love depends on the other so it is not true love – it is a need and it is immature love. As it depends on other, you use other as a means. You exploit; you manipulate; you dominate the other so the other is reduced and almost destroyed. Same is done by the other. So it only appears like love or can be safely said as pretended love.

The other one is true love, mature love. In this love you start loving rather than needing. Hence you start overflowing, sharing, giving. The gestalt changes, the emphasis is totally different. This type of loving person is like a fully blossomed flower who gives its fragrance to all and even to the heel which crushes it.

And the most important thing to be remembered is 1st type of love should reach 2nd type otherwise it will get itself converted into “HATE”.
This is the reason hate is seen between two friends, Husband-wife, Parents-children and every other relationship.

K.K.Sharma alias

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Durlabhey Bharat janma--------Life of an Indian in india

01/ 01/ 2011

Life of an Indian in India

India is a country where impossible meekly says - I am possible with proper bribes-and anything from abolished item to zenith. Bribery has become universal GOD in India and there are 33 crores outlet where bribe is given/taken. India, where every govt. servant has 10 agents and 100 sub-agents who are ready to give door service for any work. India, where strongest nexus between Government, Businessman and their Godmans. India, where fake is fairly and genuine is garbage. India has shown to the world that 100% corruption is achievable. India, where invention means inventing new modus operandies for corruption. India, where progress means growth in population and corruption, where export means supplying cheap labours and, where law is purchasable with lathi and proper connection at proper places. India’s slogan has become,” every thing is available in exchange of 3W (Wine, Woman and Wealth).”

Now the journey part-----------
A child is conceived…….

. You can bribe a doctor to perform ‘sex detection test. If girl child again bribe a doctor for abortion and a fake certificate for ‘still- birth’ and then bribe municipal authorities for burial.

A child is born…

. a bribe must be paid to get a birth certificate.

Admission in the school…

. Pay bribe (Donation) to th private school or ‘ chai –paani’ to school authorities of the govt. school.

.Got admission in the school….

. Bribe the class teacher or take his private tuitions to get rank.

Board Exams…

. Bribe - Get Q.Papers (courtesy –coaching class /other source)/ Can write answers even after exams./ copy at the Exam. Center / Can hire a writer in place of the genuine student ---too many options available.

Want Admission in College….

Bribe to get college and stream of your choice.
.Want Govt. Job…..

Bribe – Amount to be paid is in proportion to the facilities you will get for the level of corruption/ hafta-vasooli, Place of posting etc. etc.

Want to arrange marriage of your ward in Govt. Community center/ Govt. School/ defence mess/………….

Bribe an get it.

Marriage Certificate…

Pay bribe to get it in time.

Driving License/ Passport/ Son of freedom fighter Certificate etc. etc.

. Must pay bribe

. Felt sick or committed some serious crime……..

Bribe Hospital Authorities of the hospital of your choice with your choice of facilities and amneties to get admission.


Don’t worry, pay bribe to get timely pension.

.Want to ask a Question in Parliament….

Bribe a M.P.

Want to publish an article in News-paper or magazine of your choice…

Bribe Asstt. Editor/ journalist.

.Want to tour as a V.I.P. in foreign country………

Bribe a ‘Kabootarbaaz’ M.P. and accompany him.
( Now this service is available for select countries only)


Bribe Doctor and municipal Authorities to get ‘Death Certificate’ and ‘Dry wood for cremation’

Still Living but ‘Want Death Certificate without dyeing and living with a new identity’……

Bribe and get this premium service with proper and genuine Govt. documents.

Any other service can also be provided because India is ‘No’ country but becomes ‘Yes’ country with bribe/ commission/ chai-paani/ bhog.

Written without malice to anybody
