Krishnanand Saraswati/ Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Krishnanand Saraswati/  Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Monday, October 5, 2009

Love, love and love- but a rare commodity now a days

KRISHAN K. SHARMA (+919820520659 )
M.Sc. (Chem.), A.T.A. (Tex. Chem.), D.I.E.M. (Apparel)

(Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. And today? Today is a gift of Cosmos. That’s why we call it Present. So start living in present and feel the wonder’s in your life.)

Hi Friends,
Let us discuss the most commonly used four letter word love. Actually ‘English’ language is very poor in comparison to ‘Sanskrit’ in the kingdom of words. So ‘Love’ causes confusion as it is common for every emotion of love but in ‘Sanskrit’ there is a separate word for every emotion for eg. ‘Mamta’; ‘Vatsalya’; ‘Sneh’; ‘Prem’; ‘Pyaar’ etc. etc.
So ‘Love’ has different meaning for all. To a teenager it is mobile, to a youngster it may be computer, to a textile processor love is fabric, to artists/ painters love is color, to a baby it is mother, to a writer it becomes playing with words and for above 18 what most of you have already thought from the subject itself.
According to my understanding ‘Love’ is a 3 storey building – 1ST story is ‘Physiological’, actually it is not love but only lust, 2ND story is ‘Psychological’ which is between the 1st and 3rd storey so sometimes it comes down to 1st storey and at another time it moves up to 3rd storey and 3RD storey is ‘Spiritual’ love.
At the lowest it is physiology, biology, chemistry and physics. Simply you can say it is a play of hormones. A male is attracted towards a female and vice versa. They think they are falling in love but if hormones could laugh then they must be laughing like a ‘Laughing Buddha’ inside the bodies of both lovers or more appropriately lusters – you stupids, you both are befooled. What you are calling love is nothing but attraction between the male and female hormones. It is ‘Bio-physical chemistry, it is the lowest. I am sorry to say it is animalistic, it is lust. Physiological love or lust is an exploitation of the other, using other as a means and goes on diminishing and finished soon. And when used only as a means it is animalistic b’coz each human being has a potential to reach highest level of existence.
And majority of people know only love at its lowest. If you go a little higher- say, love for music is not hormonal, it is not physiology but it is psychological. So a human beings love for music, painting, poetry, photography, flowers, trees, rivers, mountains etc. etc. that is, which can not be reduced to sexuality is ‘Psychological’. It’s more passionate and becomes higher in level. Psychological love knows how to sacrifice. You yourself become a means and mostly expressed in some art namely poetry, painting, music etc. etc.
Still higher state is ‘Spiritual’ love. It has’ Godliness’ and totally different from ‘Physiological’ or ‘Psychological’. Its expression is ‘Compassion’ – ‘Passion’ evolved into ‘Compassion’. This love is ‘Existential’ or love of a ‘KRISHNA’ or a ‘BUDDHA’. And in ‘Spiritual’ love there is no question of means and ends – you have transcended ( gone beyond) the conspiracy of all dualities so no question of other. No I/ U relationship but yes it is cosmic relationship or the lover has melted into existence and became existence itself. It is pure ‘Love’ overflowing and no limitations and whole universe feels this love.
This pure love is always expanding and rising upwards like a flame without smoke and is on ‘Uttrayan journey’. Lust is always going down and always and on ‘Dakshinayan journey’. And the Psychological love is in between the two – something of lust and passion in it and something of spiritual or compassion in it.
But it has to be remembered that without ‘Physiological’ attraction there will be no ‘Psychological’ growth and without ‘Psychological’ love affair there is no possibility of ‘Spiritual’ love and has to be in this sequence only.
That is precisely the reason why a marriage is necessary. And the wisdom of marriage by Indian rituals and customs (Don’t laugh – genuine rituals and customs are must) last longest by any standards.
Thanks for giving your valuable time to read it and I am sure you have liked it. So why are you waiting, send to your dear and near ones including myself. Some people may be benefited by your kindness and I know many people are waiting unknowingly.
alias: Swami Krishnanand Saraswati

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