Krishnanand Saraswati/ Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Krishnanand Saraswati/  Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


KRISHAN K. SHARMA (+919820520659):

M.Sc. (Chem.), A.T.A. (Tex. Chem.), D.I.E.M. (Apparel)
(Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. And today? Today is a gift of Cosmos. That’s why we call it Present. So start living in present and feel the wonder’s in your life.)
M I N D ( man:)

Hi Friends,
Today I am going to talk about mind. Mind is a beautiful, most evolved but most complex mechanism in existence to serve his master. But if the master does not know how to use this mechanism properly then life becomes chaos or simply hell. And remember every servant has a hidden desire to become master and invents his own ways to become a master. As it serves the master well and because of its services the master can start trusting it blindly and can become careless. And b’coz of careless attitude, unconscious behavior and sleepiness servant becomes master and starts treating the master as servant – an ugliest and pathetic situation.
Now let us start to understand mind.
1. English language’s man is taken from Sanskrit’s man:( mind) simply man means a
living human being with mind.
2. The great Indian sage ‘ Manu’ – His name simply means – Manu= man:+ udasin or
who has transcended the man: ( mind).( udasin means unattached or mirror like or
a digital camera not an olden camera with photographic reel/ plate.). In India man is called ‘manushya’ in Sanskrit and Hindi. A ‘Shishya’ or a disciple of ‘Manu’.
3. Lord Krishna in His ‘Geeta’ has demanded only mind (man:) and nothing else.
4. A famous Indian proverb: ‘man: ke haarey haar hai, man: ke jeetey jeet’
5. Famous lines of ‘saint Kabeer’:
‘man: mera nirmal bhaya, jyon ‘Ganga’ kaa neer,
Peechey-peechey ‘Hari’ firen kahat ‘Kabeer’ ‘Kabeer’!
6. Mind ( man:) is the cause of re-birth, moksha:, nirvana, Ultimate liberation. Famous principle of Indian Wisdom and even great scientists like ‘ Albert Einstein’ and other thinkers of the west believe this idea.
Indian wisdom from the famous example of ‘Chariot’ (Rath :) and ‘Charioteer’ (Rathee :) says mind (man: ) is ‘reins’- chariot is body- senses ( indriyaan) are horses-
Wisdom ( Vivek) is driver ( saarthi) – intellect ( Buddhi) is thoughts ( Vichaar) and topics ( Vishaya) are roads where horses run. ‘Soul’ is owner ( rathi).
And without reins horses can’t be controlled or chariot (rath) can’t be controlled. You can understand from the example of car where reins= Steering wheel+ Breaks + Clutch + Accelerator.
Now anyone can understand the importance of mind.
From ‘Human Psychology’ if you want to understand then mind can be called a
9 storied building on a ‘Hill Station’ where you enter on the 5th storey directly from the road. You must have seen the houses on a hill station.
4 lower stories are ‘Sub conscious mind’- ‘Collective sub conscious mind’ – ‘Supreme subconscious mind’ and ‘Cosmic subconscious mind’. Western Psychologists ‘Sigmund Freud’, ‘Adler’, and ‘Jung’ could reach up to ‘Collective subconscious mind’

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And 4 upper stories are ‘Conscious mind’ – ‘Collective conscious mind’ –
‘Supreme conscious mind’ and ‘Cosmic conscious mind’. This I have to write so that you can understand the vastness of the mind. Our ‘Rishies’ and ‘Saints’ knew about the mind from time immemorial. And ‘Sir Aurobindo’ of south has done a lot on conscious mind.
And don’t be confused between ‘Mind’ and ‘Brain’. Brain can be treated by ‘Neuro-Physcian’ or ‘Neuro-Surgeon’ but for the treatment of mind one has to go to a ‘Psychiatrist’, ‘Hypnotist’ or ‘Psychoanalyst (Shrink).
Now question arises how to be in control of mind so that master remains a master and servant remains a servant. The answer is ‘Meditation’, ‘Awareness’ and ‘‘Witnessing’ (Saakshi-bhav or Udaaseen-bhav) or serious and sincere ‘Saadhna’ with total surrender to a ‘Sad-Guru).
With awareness an unattatchment your consciousness goes on increasing and with it your sanity and wisdom goes on increasing and when you achieve 100% - You simply attain cosmic consciousness (sub consciousness is erased) or you become one with the universe or existence itself. And your life becomes a blessing and can bless many lives which come into your contact.
And now some qualities of mind when master goes on a eternal sleep and servant (mind) becomes the master.
1. Mind is no sayer but can’t himself hear no.
2. Minds source of energy is doubt. (That is why–ve is believed immediately but +ve needs proof. –ve is done immediately and +ve is postponed).
3. Mind is unidimensional.( Believer of either, or, and creator of logic).
4. Mind can not see any thing as a whole unity – it first divides and then each part individually).
5. Whatever is suppressed goes to subconscious and whatever is understood properly and experienced goes to conscious mind.
6. Subconscious means hidden and whatever is hidden starts accumulating energy and one day become powerful and uncontrollable.
7. Whatever is achieved looses its value and mind starts chasing which is not achieved.
8. That is why whatever mind gets it seems less mind always demands more.
9. Mind starts feeling bordem after some time and wants to do some thing new.
10. Mind is always interested in results and never in efforts. If result can be achieved without efforts than best.This is the reason it starts finding shortcuts and even can cheat for getting results.This is the reason an educated person becomes more cunning and can cheat if not caught.
11. Mind hears what it wants to hear.
12. Most powerful quality of mind is it sees what it wants to see otherwise it is powerful enough to project what it wants to see if the desired object is not there. That is the reason why magicians are able to show their tricks. And ‘Auto-hypnosis’ and ‘Hypnosis’ is possible.
13. What mind can believe body becomes ready to manifest the symptoms. That is why even a quack or ordinary mantar wala baba can treat a sick person. Or a placebo can cure a patient. Many hospitals of USA have proved this fact.
14. Most of the diseases and sicknesses are b’coz of mind. This is the reason why psycho-analysis is a craze , fashion and status symbol in USA And Europe and treatment is very costly only a few can afford it.
15. Mind even feels whatever it wants to feel.
16. Because of your state of mind you are not able to enjoy your favorite food or music.
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Thanks for reading and if you have liked or not , but forward it your near and dear ones or persons as the may like it an can take benefits from understanding of mind.
alias: Krishnanand Saraswati
e-mail :

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