Krishnanand Saraswati/ Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Krishnanand Saraswati/  Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Self and Ego

'अहंकार और अस्मिता '
क्या राज ठाकरे जैसे लोग 'अहंकार और अस्मिता' मे फर्क जानते हैं?
चलो दोस्तों फर्क को समझने का प्रयास करते हैं /
संस्कृत मे दो शब्द हैं ' मैं' के लिए -- 'अहंकार' और 'अस्मिता'
अहंकार ' मैं ' का गलत बोध है / अहंकार का ' मैं ' दूसरे के विरोध मे है , एक नकरात्मक भाव है / ‘ नहीं ' का भाव /
अस्मिता ' मै ' का सम्यक बोध है / अस्मिता का ' मै ' किसी के विरोध मे नहीं है, एक विधायक भाव है / ' हाँ ' का भाव /
दोनों मे ' मै ' हैं / एक अशुद्ध है / नहीं अशुद्धता है / तुम नकारते हो, नष्ट करते हो/ नहीं ध्वंसात्मक है/ इसका प्रयोग हरगिज नहीं करना चाहिए/ जितना तुमसे हो सके इसे फैंक देना / दूसरा शुद्ध है / हाँ क्रियात्मक है, सुंदर है /
'अस्मिता' अहंकारविहीन ' अहं ' है / इसमें किसी के विरुद्ध ' मै ' होने कि अनुभूति नहीं होती/ यह केवल स्वंयं का अनुभव है, स्वंयं को किसी के विरुद्ध रखे बिना/ यह अपने समग्र अकेलेपन को अनुभव करना है / और समग्र अकेलेपन का अनुभव एक शुद्धतम अवस्था है/ जब हम कहते हैं, ' मैं हूँ ' तो ' मैं ' अहंकार है और ' हूँ ' है अस्मिता / अस्मिता मे केवल अनुभूति है हूँ-पन की / किसी के विरुद्ध नहीं, मात्र होने को अनुभव करना, मात्र अस्तित्व को अनुभव करना/
आपका मित्र,
के. के. शर्मा
( कृष्ण कुमार शर्मा)
URL: www.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Power of Imagination -- Its uses and abuses

Krishan K. Sharma
M.Sc. (Chem.), A.T.A. (Tex. Chem.), D.I.E.M. (Apparel)
(Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. And today? Today is a gift of Cosmos. That’s why we call it Present. So start living in present and feel the wonder’s in your life.)
14/ 01/ 2010
Power of Imagination, its uses and abuses

Hi Friends,
Let us try to understand Imagination. In simplest meanings it is power or capacity of mind to imagine but it has immense power for those who understand it and use it or abuse it. But for normal public the word imagination has become derogatory. Whenever this word is uttered, one starts thinking about futility or untruth.


Females are gifted and possess more power of imagination than their male counterparts. They may not know it but are using it. They are able to produce real headaches, body aches and even fever with this power of imagination. Many persons can imagine about the symptoms of some contagious disease and in reality fall sick. Multinational are misusing this- ‘Swine-Flu’ is the recent example. It has been proved beyond doubt that ‘placebo’ can and has cured patients. In USA even legal cases have been filed that their money should be refunded as they were treated by placebo and not with the medicine.

Imagination power can be utilized as a great power of a person, but this power has to be utilized with utmost care and intelligence. Because with this power one can harm himself but if used properly then it can be of great help and even wonderful and creative. It is one of the greatest hidden powers of a human being.
Dreaming is imagination. Imagination can cause illusion. In fact, when you are alone in some dimly lit lonely place, you start fearing because you start imagining things. Your imagination projects the things you are imagining for example ghosts and you start trembling with fear and even perspire heavily.
It has been found that your imagination power of a male is more when he is alone but females can imagine even when they are with someone else also but he/ she has to be acquaintance.

Magicians can show their tricks because human beings are gifted with the power of imagination.
Hypnosis is possible because of this power. A person can auto hypnotize himself or a hypnotist can hypnotize another person. In 1952 4-5 students were experimenting hypnotism on their fellow student in the university hostel. ( When somebody is hypnotized – he goes in a deep imagination stage and when the hypnotist give suggestion, hypnotized fellow accepts it and obeys it under the hypnotic state). So when a student was hypnotized by his hostel mates , he obeyed all the suggestion. They were thrilled and they suggested him to lie down and die. And that poor fellow lied down and actually died. American govt. had to make laws against hypnotism. Hypnotism can be practiced for research / medical purpose with necessary permission.
Now a days hypnotism is medically used for child delivery. Hypnotism is also used for renunciation of bad habits. King of ‘Kaashi’ (Banaras) self hypnotized himself to undergo a surgery by British Surgeon.

In Sri Lanka on Buddha-Poornima day Buddha-disciples walk on ignited coals.

In Tibet, Lamas in sub-zero temperatures can generate so much heat from there naked bodies that they perspire and sweat literally starts dripping and even wet clothes can be dried from their hot bodies.

Even when an ordinary person sees a bad violent and fearful dream, starts shivering and trembling with fear and even starts shouting.

I myself have seen and experienced some instances of this wonderful power of imagination.

Anybody can experience this power and in fact must have experienced in his life.

Krishan K. Sharma
URL: www.

Monday, January 11, 2010

तुम्हारी विश्रांति मे बाधा तुम स्वंयं हो

यदि तुम्हे पता चल जाए कि कैसे विश्राम करना है तो कुछ भी तुम्हे विचलित नहीं कर सकता/ और यदि तुम्हे पता न हो कि विश्रांत कैसे हुआ जाता है तो कुछ भी तुम्हे बाधा डालेगा/ असल मे कुछ भी तुम्हारी विश्रांति मे बाधा नहीं है, हर चीज़ केवल बहाना है/ तुम हमेशा ही परेशान होने को तैयार रहते हो/ अगर एक चीज़ तुम्हे परेशां नहीं करेगी तो दूसरी करेगी; परेशान रहना तुम्हारी आदत बन चुकी है/ तुम हमेशा तैयार हे हो, परेशान होने की तुम्हारी प्रवृति बन चुकी है/

यदि सब कारण हटा लिए जाएँ तो भी तुम परेशान रहोगे/ तुम कोई कारण दूंढ लोगे, कोई कारण निर्मित कर लोगे/ यदि बाहर से कुछ नहीं मिलेगा तो तुम भीतर से कुछ निर्मित कर लोगे-- कोई विचार, कोई धारणा -- और परेशान हो जाओगे/ तुम्हे बहाने चाहियें और बहाने दूंढने मे तुम कुशलता अर्जित कर चुके हो/

लेकिन एक बार तुम्हे विश्रांत होने की कला आ जाए तो कुछ भी तुम्हे परेशान नहीं कर सकता/ ऐसा नहीं की संसार बदल जाएगा, की परिस्थितित्यां बदल जायेंगी/ संसार जैसा था वैसा ही रहेगा, लेकिन अब तुममे वह प्रवृति न रही, वह पागलपन न रहा; तुम अब बदल चुके हो, तुम अब हमेशा परेशान होने को तैयार नहीं हो/ अब तुम मे जो कुछ भी घटेगा; तुम्हारे आस-पास जो भी होगा, विश्रामदायक होगा/ हो सकता है जो तुम्हारे निकट आएगा वह भी अपने भीतर विश्राम ही महसूस करेगा/ याद रखना जब तुम विश्रांत हो तो ट्राफिक का शोरभी विश्रामदायक हो जाएगा/ यह तुम पर निर्भर है / यह तो भीतर का गुण है/

के. के. शर्मा
E-mail :

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Politicians and there change …………
Elections of 2009 are over. A change has happened and now let us talk about the change politicians promise before every election

Let me start from a joke....... It says all the politicians running for office are promising change to the people. We send those billions and billions of tax money and they send us the change. Funny? Not really; there is too much truth in it to be funny. But that got me to thinking... They all promise change.

A restoration that would take us back in time to a place where things ran better, smoother and life was more enjoyable.

Change? That, in truth, is what they have been giving us all along.

We used to have a strong economy...
Politicians changed that.

Marriage used to be sacred...
Politicians have changed that.

Parents used to be respected around the world... Politicians changed that.

We used to have strong moral values... Politicians changed that.

We used to have lower tax structures.. . Politicians changed that.

We used to enjoy more freedoms... Politicians changed that.

We used to be a large exporter of Artisan-made goods... Politicians changed that.

We used to teach patriotism in schools... Politicians changed that.

We used to educate children in schools... Politicians changed that.

We used to enforce LEGAL bindings. .. Politicians changed that.

We used to have affordable houses,clothes, food & gas prices...
Politicians changed that, too... and one could go on and on with this list.

What hasn't been changed, politicians are promising to change that as well, if you will elect them. When, oh when, is people going to sit back with open eyes and look at what we once were and where we have come and say "enough is enough"?

The trouble is, country's youthful voters today don't know of the great values that existed forty and fifty years ago. They see the world as if it has always existed as it is now. Every wish, genuine or not has to be fulfilled. Whole world is bound to protect their rights and no one should even mention about their duties. And text books are even being changed to hide the facts of our great past.

When will we wake up? Tomorrow may be too late. When will people realize... Politicians are what is wrong with any country? This goes for all the parties... , there is no difference anymore.. they are all self-serving, they all do only what they can to be re-elected, not what is best for the citizens!
The Change that's most important NOW is to change the politicians! Tainted ones MUST GO!
What is needed is for the Constitution to be amended to limit all politicians and Babus. A website having dossier of all the public servants showing minutest and latest details. And if a public servant is found guilty all his benefits to go and his next 2 generations not to be allowed in any Government service. Maximum age limit for politicians should be 65 years. Minimum Ed. qualifications – Graduate of some recognized university. 2 posts can not be held at a time,even an honorary one . No post after retirement,not even an honorary one . 1.5 times more punishment to civil servants and 2 times punishment for police and defence prsonnels.And yes, incentives to be paid for good execution of duties every year.

Oh, by the way, no big pension either, social security just like the rest of us, health care the same as you force on us. How do they rate bigger and better entitlements than the people THEY WORK FOR? WHICH IS US!!
Being a politician shouldn't be a person's life work but rather a call to public service then back to being an honest hard-working citizen.
Politicians are no more than housekeepers and janitors... unfortunately they act like they own the building.
