Krishnanand Saraswati/ Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Krishnanand Saraswati/  Sharma Ji k 4 bandar

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 most important questions for a human being:

Hi All,
2 most important questions for a human being:
Q.1. Am i ageing or maturing?
Q.2. Who am i ?

And if your answer to Q.1 is right then only you can reach the stage of Q.2
So let us talk about Q.1 and try to know our personal answer. Everybody is ageing, that's why everybody become old. But are we maturing also with ageing.And answer for 95% of the present population is a shocking -NO. Why ? Because maturity is an inner growth.
While ageing, we do nothing but ageing happens physically and automatically. Every child after birth becomes old as clock time passes. Maturity is something, which has to be brought in one's life - And it can come out of awareness only. When a person ages with experiencing the life with full awarenes, he becomes mature. 2 simple tests to know, whether a person is ageing or maturing.
a). A mature person never commits the same mistake again but aging person goes on committing the same mistakes again and again as he never learns from the greatest teacher mistake.
b). A mature person never worries and decides for the future. The maturity itself takes care automatically. Matured person lives in the present moment with full energy and awakening. And his living in present moment decides how the tomorrow is going to be.
So if your answer to the Q.1 is a genuine Yes, please proceed to Q.2. Cosmic energy will also assist you in getting the answer to Q.2 .
Thanks and Regards

"Its Nice To Be an important Person . But, It is more Important to be a Nice Person."
"I believe it prudent to keep an open mind to new ideas, not so open that you blindly accept every new concept."
" The Relationship which needs effort to maintain will never be true & which is true will never need efforts to maintain"
"Be your self, original is always better than a copy."

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